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Adult Education

Upcoming Learning/Study Sessions

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Classes / Courses / Sessions

Education Classes
Come learn and stimulate the mind with topics ranging from Hebrew 101 to High Holidays. Offered on different days of the week by variety of speakers to match various schedules.

Shabbat Morning Study Minyan
Nurture your mind and your spirit! Drop in any Shabbat morning to pray and study with a wonderful group of people. We meet every Saturday at 9:00 am with the Rabbi or Cantor.

Anshe Mitzvah
Join other adults to learn, and re-learn, Hebrew and become B’ne Mitzvah, if you choose, at the end of this two year cycle. Work on a weekly basis with the Rabbi and Cantor to study Torah and learn Hebrew for life cycle events and services.

Lunch and Learn
A one hour program around a current theme is led by clergy. Bring your lunch and drink and enjoy a thoughtful discussion with other members. Have a topic suggestion or conference room to host the group? Please let us know.

Scholar in Residence weekend
This annual weekend hosts a special nationally renowned Rabbi to share his/her wisdom throughout the weekend.

Women’s Shabbaton
Once a year, an inter-generational group of CEEBJ women gather for a day in a relaxing setting away from life’s routine. This day-long retreat has prayer and learning time, craft time, sometimes a debate or two, along with lunch and lots of snacking! Watch the calendar for the next scheduled retreat.


Need More Information?

Go to our main calendar to see the schedule for the above activities. Questions? Suggestions? Contact Rabbi Jessica Barolsky ( or call the office at (414) 228-7545.

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785