Social Action
Social Action
Upcoming Events
Tuesday ,
AprApril 8 , 2025
Tuesday, Apr 8th 9:30a to 10:30a
Wednesday ,
AprApril 23 , 2025
Wednesday, Apr 23rd 1:00p to 3:30p
Tuesday ,
MayMay 13 , 2025
Tuesday, May 13th 9:30a to 10:30a
Wednesday ,
MayMay 14 , 2025
Wednesday, May 14th 1:00p to 3:30p
Tuesday ,
JunJune 10 , 2025
Tuesday, Jun 10th 9:30a to 10:30a
Our Mission
To encourage the CEEBJ community to engage with Jewish values of social
justice through study, action and advocacy.
We will continue to work closely with Tikkun Ha-Ir of Milwaukee and other
social justice organizations. We will also continue to look to the Union for
Reform Judaism’s Commission on Social Action and their Religious Action
Center for guidance, tools and leadership. We respond to local, national
and international events.
Meetings are once a month on the second Sunday morning at 9:30am.
Please contact the Synagogue Office for the next meeting or check the
website calendar. Guests and new members are always welcome.
Please feel free to contact Reenie Kavalar at 414-659-9662 or email
Programs and Activities
- 2022: we gathered donated supplies for the earthquake in Turkey in coordination with Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition
- Guest Speakers – speakers visit to educate on range of issues from mental illness to immigration, reproductive rights, refugee issues and breast cancer
- Partnered with Compost Crusader to collect synagogue food waste to compost
Volunteer Opportunities
One of the core elements of tikkun olam (repairing the world) entails feeding those who cannot feed themselves or their families. Here are some ways you can get involved:
- Sandwich Day – every month, congregants make sandwiches and lunch bags which are donated to the Guest House of Milwaukee homeless
shelter, Meta House and Street Angels. The materials are purchased through the Salinsky Program fund.
- Bimah basket donation – Donate $50 to our Bimah Basket Fund. Your donation will be acknowledged with a sign next to the Bimah Basket at the entrance to the sanctuary, in the service bulletin for Shabbat, and in Ha-Kol. The money will be directed to the Jewish Community Food Pantry.
- CEEBJ Salinsky Program
- Salinsky Program Garden – we grow produce and donate directly to Jewish Community Food Pantry and Tikkun Ha-Ir Chop Shop for fresh food during the growing season. Helpers are always needed!
- Sandwich making are made for various local organizations
- Meals for the Hungry - We make meals together for Guest House of Milwaukee, Meta House, Sojourner Family Peace Center and Repairers of the Breach. Each location serves the homeless and people with domestic violence and substance abuse issues.
High Holiday Food Appeal - Each year for the High Holy Days, we coordinate a food drive that supports the Jewish Food Pantry
Food Collection - All year, contributions can be made in the collection box in the coat room. Non-perishable foods like cans of tuna and chicken, PB&J, beef stew and soups, high protein meals are appreciated.
Tikkun Ha-Ir - CEEBJ has played a leading role in Tikkun Ha-Ir. This organization – whose name literally translates to “repair the city” – encourages the local Jewish community to support their activities to help Milwaukee homeless hungry and homeless families. We contribute to the chop shop, Glean machine, and holiday gifts programs.
Jewish Food Pantry - our congregation supports monetary funds and volunteer time to support this small local food pantry in a inner-city neighborhood of Milwaukee
Mazon - A Jewish Response to Hunger - During our high holidays, we have a public appeal for people to make a donation to this important national Jewish fund. We also ask people to consider making a donation of 3-5% of the cost of food for their personal celebrations to MAZON.
Blood drive - The annual Debbie Carter Berkson Annual Blood Drive is coordinated with Verisiti. Anyone who is 16 years or older, is generally healthy, and weighs more than 105 pounds, is encouraged to donate.
Clothing donations - From October through November, we collect winter clothing to be donated to COA (the Children’s Outing Association) and for their preschool reading program HIPPY.
Passover Drive - Every year we fill up a bin in the coat room to donate kosher food to the Jewish Food Pantry.
Glean Machine – Once a year in coordination with Tikkun Ha’Ir, we collect new and gently used clothing and household items to be donated to a number of social service agencies in the community.
Sol Dorf Tzedakah Box – Our congregation proudly displays our beautiful a Tzedakah box in the foyer of our building. Donations are made to local, national and international crisis funds
Mitzvah Day - In coordination of Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, every January, our building is transformed into a workhouse of variety of volunteer jobs that are delivered to community agencies. Activities for kids, families and adults- please join us in a group project that is later delivered to the local Milwaukee non-profit. We always need delivery people to represent CEEBJ and deliver our donations.
Caring Committee
Mitzvah meals - a group of congregants provide meals to congregants who need a meal while recuperating, grieving and/or life events
Visitations – in order to reduce social isolation among our congregants, volunteers provide a visit to keep our congregants connected to CEEBJ
Tikkun Ha-Ir
CEEBJ has played a leading role in Tikkun Ha-Ir. This organization– whose name literally translates to “repair the city” – encourages the local Jewish community to support their activities to help Milwaukee homeless hungry and homeless families. We contribute to the chop shop, Glean machine, and holiday gifts programs.
Holiday Gift Drive - we collect new items as part of their Holiday Gift Drive wish list, which are distributed to families in need
Welcome Circle - CEEBJ continues to support an Afghan family of five since 2022 when they settled in Milwaukee in coordination with HIAS. Congregants donated and helped the family settle into an apartment, set up summer camp scholarship for the two sons, assisted with car expenses, rides to doctor appointments and transported the mother and another refugee to ESL classes.
Get out the Vote - For voter registration awareness, we partner with Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice, Souls to the Polls, and WIVEC – Wisconsin Interfaith Voter Engagement Campaign
Going Green Task Force – the environmentally friendly committee to help implement CEEBJ environmentally friendly practices throughout the building.
Knitting Circle - donates homemade hats, scarves and blankets to a number of organizations throughout the winter. We are always looking for more knitters.
> Tikkun Ha-Ir of Milwaukee
> JCC Jewish Food Pantry
> Hunger Task Force
> Union for Reform Judaism’s Religious Action Center
> Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life
> Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger
Fri, March 28 2025
28 Adar 5785
Today's CEEBJ News
► The 64th Annual AFS Shabbat will be on Friday, April 25. Let us know by March 28 if you can host a student for Shabbat dinner at your home or would like to attend Shabbat dinner at another member's home. Services start at 7:30 PM and will include a question and answer session with the rabbi and cantor.
► Our Congregational Family Seder will be on the second night of Passover on Sunday, April 13 at 5:30 PM. Enjoy a festive participatory Seder, accompanied by a delicious Sephardic style meal. Join us with your family and friends! Please register by April 9.
► Watch our Purim Spiel presentation of Shushani Street as the CEEBJ Megillah Meisters tell the story of Esther to familiar tunes from Sesame Street and the Muppets.
► Please click here to make your 2024-25 Annual Commitment.
Featured Events
Friday ,
MarMarch 28 , 2025
Friday, Mar 28th 6:45p to 8:00p
Saturday ,
MarMarch 29 , 2025
Shabbat, Mar 29th 9:00a to 11:00a
Monday ,
MarMarch 31 , 2025
Monday, Mar 31st 10:30a to 11:30a
Tuesday ,
AprApril 1 , 2025
Tuesday, Apr 1st 10:00a to 11:30a
Tuesday ,
AprApril 1 , 2025
Tuesday, Apr 1st 7:00p to 8:30p
Friday ,
AprApril 4 , 2025
Friday, Apr 4th 7:00p to 9:00p
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Congregation Emanu-El B'ne Jeshurun * 2020 West Brown Deer Road, River Hills, WI 53217 * (414)228-7545
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