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Memorial Plaque Order

You can remember a loved one by purchasing a Memorial Plaque.  By placing a Memorial Plaque in our synagogue, the deceased’s name will be read in perpetuity on the Shabbat immediately after their yahrzeit. With the form below, you can purchase a plaque for someone who has already passed and/or purchase a plaque to be held in reserve at the synagogue until the time of the person's passing. Each plaque is $400. If you have previously reserved and paid for a plaque and the person has now passed, contact Toni Quartana via email ( or (414) 228-7545.

Members, please log in to ensure correct processing of your purchase..

Memorial Plaque #1
This is optional.  If yes, the Rabbi will contact you for details.
For example, if the person is your father, you would enter "My father".
Memorial Plaque #2
This is optional.  If yes, the Rabbi will contact you for details.
For example, if the person is your father, you would enter "My father".


Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785