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Summer Camp Fund Application

Summer camp scholarships are available for families with children through the 12th Grade.

The Jack and Renee Dygola Campership and Education Fund awards scholarships to Union of Reform Judaism summer camps like Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute (OSRUI). The deadline for applications to this fund is Sunday, January 19, 2025.

The Michael Fefferman Campership Fund awards scholarships to all accredited Jewish summer camps not affiliated with the Union of Reform Judaism like Camp Interlaken. The deadline for applications to this fund is Sunday, March 2, 2025.. 

A restricted number of scholarships will be awarded due to limited funds. Please use the form below to make your application. For more information, please contact Miles Roger ( , Director of Lifelong Learning, at (414) 228-7545. 

Members, please log in for faster processing.

Enter current school grade


Attention parent/guardian: Please have your camper answer this question.


Please describe the camper's involvement with CEEBJ during the current year (e.g., attend worship services, B'nai Mitzvah, Romemu (Religious School), youth group, volunteering, etc.

The following questions related to household finances and expected scholarships for the camper are to be filled out by the parent/guardian. This information will be forwarded to the Dygola or Fefferman committees less all personal identifying information.

You and your camper are encouraged to seek out other camp scholarships such as those that may be awarded by your selected camp as well as civic organizations and clubs. 
To calculate this amount, start with the Session Cost and subtract the Parental/Family Contribution, Camper's Contribution and the Expected Scholarships.


Please describe the financial need for the scholarship being requested (e.g., employment or family circumstance, other financial obligations, etc.)


Tell us how many other children (excluding applicant) in your family and their respective age(s).
Before taxes - estimated
Before taxes
Before taxes


Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785