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Funeral Plan (Page 1 of 4)


Funeral Plan Overview (Below)
> Funeral Plan Details (Page 2)
> Funeral Plan Directors and Costs (Page 3)
> Cemetery Information (Page 4)





Funeral Plan Overview

Congregation Emanu-El B’ne Jeshurun has chosen to develop its own funeral plan as a privilege of congregational membership for use by our congregants and their immediate families. This voluntary plan is based on the principle of k’vod ha-met , “honoring the dead.” The goal of our plan is to reflect the Jewish values of simplicity, dignity, and equality in funeral and burial practices. We hope to help ease a family’s passage through this difficult time by simplifying the process.

In assembling our funeral plan, we have included all those elements we believe are appropriate for a funeral in the Reform Jewish tradition. We have made arrangements with several funeral directors to offer these services at a predetermined cost and with no financial gain to the congregation.

The CEEBJ Funeral Committee welcomes feedback from congregants who use this plan so we can evaluate and improve upon it.

Using the Funeral Plan

What do I do when my loved one has died?
At the time of death, please notify the clergy office in the synagogue at 414-228-7545 as soon as possible. The rabbis or cantor will assist you with selecting day and time for the funeral and offer guidance on practices during the period of mourning (days, time and location for condolence calls; whether there will be a minyan service conducted at home).

If you decide to use our funeral plan, contact one of the listed funeral directors and indicate you want the Congregation Emanu-El B’ne Jeshurun funeral plan. All arrangements can be initiated by telephone. The funeral director will assist you in working with the cemetery of your choice.

With the funeral plan, what decisions have to be made?

  • Which funeral director you wish to use
  • Where you want the service — at the synagogue, at the funeral home, or at graveside
  • Whether you desire any modifications to the funeral plan, which may increase or decrease the pre-determined cost
  • Whether you want the remains clothed in street clothes or tachrichim, the traditional Jewish burial shroud
  • When and where you want newspaper death notices to appear, which the funeral director will place per your instructions

For more information …

To reach CEEBJ staff by telephone (414-228-7545) or e-mail:

Rabbi Marc Berkson:
Cantor David Barash:
Executive Director, Andrew Appel:

— or —

Robert Jacobs, Funeral Plan Chair, (414) 352-2847,

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785