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Marcus Gift Card Fundraiser

$25 Marcus Gift Cards & $9.50 Platinum Discount Movie Tickets

This is a fundraiser for Religious School scholarships.
Religious School gets 15% of your purchase.

There are two ways to participate:

1) Gift Cards may be purchased for $25. They have no expiration date and are eligible for use at Marcus theaters, hotels, restaurants, golf courses, water parks & spas across the U.S. 

With each purchase of a $25 gift card, receive two $5 cash snack cards
redeemable from 1/15/25 to 3/15/25. Limited quantity available.

2) Platinum Discount Movie Tickets can be purchased for $9.50. These tickets get you into any movie anytime. The 3D surcharge would still apply, just like any other ticket, and it does negate “Alt Events,” which are non-feature films, such as the Metropolitan Opera, UFC fighting events, etc. 

Buy two $9.50 discount movie tickets at the same time
and receive a $3 cash snack card that never expires.

Pick up your purchase at the reception desk during office hours and in the Lifelong Learning Office during Romemu on Sundays- 9:00 am – 1:30 pm.

For more information, call the office at 414-228-7545.

Use the form below to order your Marcus Gift Cards today!

Members, please log in to ensure correct processing of your purchase..


Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785