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Designated Fund Descriptions

May those who contribute to our funds find great strength in the knowledge
that they are providing for the Congregation's future.

Synagogue Special Funds

Secure Future
Supports synagogue activities and operations

Capital Campaign
Supports the synagogue expansion project

Building Maintenance
Provides for minor building improvements

Provides for major building improvements

Dorothy & Marvin Kohner Oneg
Provides refreshments at Oneg Shabbat receptions after services

Rabbi Joseph L. Baron Memorial Museum
Supports the museum collection & brings in speakers for special Shabbat programs

Used for improvements & redecorating

Lillian Friedman Archives
Supports preservation of temple documents and history

Provides reminders of the Yahrzeits of loved ones to congregants and friends, and promotes Torah, worship, programming related to death and dying, and preserving the history of the Congregation.

Rabbi Barolsky's Discretionary

Cantor Barash's Discretionary

Rabbi Emeritus Berkson's Discretionary

Lifelong Learning Funds

Adult Education Enrichment
Promotes special educational activities & programs

Education & Scholarship
Scholarship grants for children to attend Reform sponsored educational programs

Special Projects - Lifelong Learning
Supports projects driven by the Director of Lifelong Learning and the Lifelong Learning Committees

Rabbi Dudley Weinberg Scholar-in-Residence
Invites Jewish scholars for weekends to preach, lecture & teach

Library & Book Funds

Rabbi Dudley Weinberg Library
Supports library purchases of books & related materials

Bible & Prayer Books
Purchase & repair of Bibles, prayer books & study pamphlets

Bible & Prayer Book Bookplate
Sponsor a Bible or prayer book with a commemorative bookplate– $36/each

Bernice Gratch Children's Library
Purchase materials for the children's collection

Music Funds

Cantor Sol Altschuller Music
Supports special musical & cantorial programs

Harold & Betty Stein Torahpalooza
Underwrites our all-music Torahpalooza worship service

Program/Activity Funds

Emil & Mary Hersh Special Activities
Funds cultural, social & other activities to celebrate Shabbat & holidays

Henry & Edna Levy Group Service
Provides for human resource programs

Family Program
Supports programs for families

Food Bank
Supports the congregation's food bank efforts

Lawrence S. Katz Interfaith
Promotes interfaith religious activities

Bonnie Joseph Women's Forum
Promotes the study of women's issues

Albert & Jeannette Gross Senior Citizens
Provides transportation to services & programs

George & Sylvia Laikin
Annual $300 savings bond awarded to 10th grade student

Natalie & Matty Katz Leadership
Encourages service to congregation & community

Mel Sinykin Minyan
Underwrites programs and activities of the weekly Shabbat Morning Study Minyan

Social Action Tzedakah
Monies donated are sent to charities designated by the Social Action Committee on a monthly basis.

Elaine Callif Mitzvah Meal
Supports CEEBJ Mitzvah Meals (meals for CEEBJ people who need them), whether for purchasing groceries and supplies for advance meal prep at CEEBJ, or helping someone give a meal when financial support would enable it.

Youth Funds

Silverman B'nai Mitzvah
Partially funds State of Israel Bond gifts

CEEBJ College Outreach
Maintains connections with college students & parents

Alvin Stein Special Youth
Supports special youth programming

Michael K. Fefferman Campership
Administered by the Temple Brotherhood,  provides camperships to our children attending camp programs sponsored by the Milwaukee JCC or BBYO

Jack and Renee Dygola Campership
Provides camperships to our children attending camp programs at OSRUI or other URJ and NFTY programs

Women of Emanu-El Funds

Women of Emanu-El Braille
Funds large-print books, recordings & tapes

Betty Siegel Memorial
Supports special events

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785