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Caring Committee

Mitzvah Meals

Supporting our CEEBJ community in times of joy, sadness, and need.

Our tradition calls upon each one of us to embrace our community as a congregational family. We rejoice in times of joy, visit and nurture the ailing, mourn with those in grief, and connect the CEEBJ community with opportunities to support each other.

Volunteers are welcome to help shop, cook, bake and/or deliver meals to provide to our member families in the midst of personal transitions such as surgeries, illness or new babies. Click here to sign up to volunteer.

If you or someone you know would be helped by Mitzvah Meal, please call the synagogue office at (414) 228.7545 or email

Contributions can be made directly to the synagogue in care of the Meal Support Fund.

Ozrim Committee – Delivering Plants and Cheer

The Ozrim Committee visits members of our congregation who are unable to attend services or other synagogue  functions. Twice a year we visit with a plant and the opportunity for connection. We have an active cadre of volunteers but can always use more as the number of folks who we visit continues to increase. If this interests you,  please notify either the synagogue office or Cindy Rasansky at (414) 380-9686 or at We look  forward to hearing from you.

If you know of someone in our congregational family who would benefit from a visit, please call the synagogue office at (414) 228-7545.

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785