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Congregational Seder

Thursday, April 6, 2023 15 Nisan 5783

6:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Congregational Family Seder
On the Second Night of Pesach
Thursday, April 6, at 6:00 pm
in Surlow Hall

Enjoy a festive, participatory Seder accompanied by a delicious kosher for Pesach  dinner from matzah ball soup to dessert and everything in between.

We welcome non-members who are looking for a family-friendly place for the  second seder.

We will use the Haggadah A Different Night by Noam Zion & David Dishon. If you  have copies, please bring them with you. A number will be available for use during  the Seder.

The Menu  
This Kosher-for-Pesach meal from Hannah's Kitchen: Chicken Soup or Potato Leek Soup (Vegetarian option), Matzah balls, Brisket and Roasted Chicken or Vegetable Moussaka (Vegetarian option), Roasted Vegetables, Mashed Potatoes, Tzimmes, Passover Brownies, Chocolate Covered Macarons, and Fruit Platter.

Adults (13 and over): $45
Adults Vegetarian Meal (13 and over): $33
Children (4-12): Free
Children Vegetarian Meal (4-12): Free
Sponsored by Women of Emanu-El
Children (<4): Free

Adults (13 and over): $55
Adults Vegetarian Meal (13 and over): $40
Children (4-12): $30
Children Vegetarian Meal (4-12): $22
Children (<4): Free

All reservations are required by Friday, March 31. Register below or call the synagogue office at (414) 228-7545.


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