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11/18/17: Teaching Prayer Aerobics in Rehovot

Posted 11/18/17

Teaching Prayer Aerobics in Rehovot

On Wednesday evening, November 15, I had the privilege of teaching a class at Congregation Adat Shalom-Emanuel, the Masorati Kehillah in Rehovot (located between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv). I made arrangements with our good friends, Ruth and Mark Lavie, who are members of the congregation.

Ruth was very helpful five years ago when I was on Sabbatical in organizing a class for me to teach at the congregation; and this time, also with the assistance of their Rabbi Mikie Goldstein, we were able to plan a class that I could teach, Prayer Aerobics.

We discussed different elements of prayer including garments that we wear as part of the prayer “uniform,” when and why we stand and sit, how we bow at different points in the service, and what we do to show gestures of affection and confession. The members were very engaged in the discussion, and it was nice to see such involved lay leaders participating. I learned a number of new minhagim (customs) regarding the tallit from the Rabbi and congregants!

We had a reception during the evening with cake, cookies, and drinks, and the president of the congregation, Linda Avitan, was very gracious in presenting us with an inscribed copy of their congregational cookbook, Kehila Kitchen.

It was a beautiful evening of teaching and learning, and Debra and I are grateful for the experience and opportunity.

Wishing you all a Shavua Tov, a good and fulfilling week,

David and Debra


Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785