10/25/17: Ma Tovu… and training for the Israel ride
10/25/17: Ma Tovu… and training for the Israel ride
Posted 10/25/17
Ma Tovu…and training for the Israel ride
Ma Tovu…How good it is to connect with congregants in Jerusalem! We had a wonderful visit with Laura Weisman (Susan Hersh’s sister and Sandy Hersh’s daughter) this past Sunday. She lives in Ra’anana just north of Tel Aviv, and we thoroughly enjoyed her hospitality in her beautiful home. We had a tasty lunch in the heart of the city at a restaurant called Kazan, and then walked through the city’s version of New York’s “Central Park” complete with walking paths, all sorts of playgrounds, and even a lake in the middle of the park – with swans! We enjoyed schmoozing and catching up and getting a slice of life in Israel.
On Monday morning, when we returned our rental car, we ran into the Safrai gallery just a few doors down on King David Street. We went into the shop and reconnected with Menachem who was at our synagogue selling his fine art just as recently as this past spring.
On Monday afternoon, we started our bike training for the Israel ride. There is a great bike shop in Jerusalem called Bike Jerusalem, which helped to transport and assemble Debra’s bike, and also helped in renting a bike for me. Hat’s off to Asaf Rockman who runs this bike shop! Some of you may recognize the last name, as his brother Amir Rockman started the Tour LaAgam, the ride around Lake Michigan at OSRUI about 15 years ago. Asaf has participated in this ride a number of summers ago, and remembers fondly Adam Kazilsky and Jesse Illian who are very involved as leaders of this ride now.
When our bikes were delivered on Monday afternoon, we had a tour guide, Yoni Simmons, who showed us some good bike routes around Jerusalem. He also participated in the OSRUI bike ride three summers ago, and remembers Adam Kazilsky and Jesse Illian very well. Small world!
Our training this week is consisting mainly of getting used to the hills of Jerusalem. We are going out two times each day in the morning and the afternoon and trying to do 15 to 20 repetitions on part of a hill on King David Street to get ready for the hilly terrain, which we do not have in rather flat Milwaukee!
Last night, we were able to connect up with newlyweds Caitlin Brazner and Scott Larsen, the daughter and son-in-law of our members Bob and Lois Brazner. Caitlin is studying at HUC in Jerusalem, and this is the first year of her rabbinical program. We had a very delicious dinner at Caffit on Emek Refaim in the German Colony. They have really interesting salads, and great salmon skewers. We then walked to the refurbished train station area with lots of artsy shops, and as it is Oktoberfest, also really cool music, beer, and food.
A big thank you to Bob Brazner for all his help and assistance in maintaining this blog!
Wishing you an early Shabbat Shalom,
David and Debra
Thu, March 13 2025
13 Adar 5785
Today's CEEBJ News
► PurimFest is Thursday, March 13. The carnival begins at 4:30 PM and the Megillah Meisters present "Shushani Street" Purim Spiel at 6:00 PM. See you there!
► The 64th Annual AFS Shabbat will be on Friday, April 25. Let us know by March 28 if you can host a student for Shabbat dinner at your home or would like to attend Shabbat dinner at another member's home. Services start at 7:30 PM and will include a question and answer session with the rabbi and cantor.
► Our Congregational Family Seder will be on the second night of Passover on Sunday, April 13 at 5:30 PM. Enjoy a festive participatory Seder, accompanied by a delicious Sephardic style meal. Join us with your family and friends! Please register by April 9.
► Temple Brotherhood is preparing the 2024-25 CEEBJ Directory. Please donate to support this important project.
► Please click here to make your 2024-25 Annual Commitment.
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